Brian P. Stack

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    NJ ELEC requires us to collect the above information for all individuals contributing to Brian P. Stack for State Senate 2021. We kindly ask you to fill the above information as much as possible.

    Contributions are permissible from individuals, corporations, labor organizations and political committees. Contributions are not tax deductible. The contributor’s employer, relatives, or any third party may not reimburse contributions.

    N.J. Election Law Enforcement Commission contribution limits as of 2021 are:


    $2,600 per election per candidate

    Corporation or Union

    $2,600 per election per candidate

    Association or Group

    $2,600 per election per candidate

    Candidate or Political Committee    

    $8,200 per election per candidate

    Continuing Political Committee

    $8,200 per election per candidate






    Contributions from partnerships and LLC accounts must be signed by the contributing partner/member or be accompanied by a note allocating the contribution to their individual partner/member. If the contribution(s) is from more than one partner/member, all must sign a single letter/email detailing each individual’s name and allocation amount. 

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